1000 - Instruments
show product details hide product details MR 1114 - Precise Electrometer / Dosemeter
» for Measurement with Reference Ionization Chambers
Precise Electrometer / Dosemeter
Consists of the HW (PC-Board) and the "Virtual Instrument" SW driver (package for Windows). Enables management and usage of databases both for ionization chambers and for temperature probes. Data auto-saving in format importable into Excel. SW calibration procedures implemented.
Most comfortable work if used with the SW package MR 7111 (Quality Control System for Absolute Dosimetry)
Standard version :
Current (6 ranges)      1pA÷100nA
Charge (6 ranges)      10pC÷10uC
High Voltage Source    ±500V
Optional modules :
"-A" … electronic Barometer and 2-channel Thermometer
"-C" … Current / Charge Source for internal / external use
show product details hide product details MR 1510 RS - 10-Decade High-Speed Electrometer
» for Wide-range Measurement of Current
10-Decade High-Speed Electrometer
Consists of the HW part (RS232-Box with microprocessor) and the "Virtual Instrument" SW driver (package for Windows). Data auto-saving in format easily importable into Excel. SW calibration procedures implemented.
Optional module :
" C " ... Current Source for internal use
show product details hide product details MR 1830 RS - Dual Programmable High-Voltage Source
» with Positive and Negative High-power Modules
Dual Programmable High-Voltage Source
Consists of the HW part (RS232-Box with microprocessor) and the "Virtual Instrument" SW driver (package for Windows). Data auto-saving in format easily importable into Excel. SW calibration procedures implemented.
Modular system gives possibility to have any combination from following ranges :
Positive High-Voltage Modules :
                                        accuracy / resolution
+ (10÷110) V  /  (0÷10) mA     0.2 / 0.05 % FS
+ (30÷500) V  /  (0÷10 ) mA     0.2 / 0.05 % FS
+ (50÷1300) V  /  (0÷10) mA    0.2 / 0.05 % FS
Negative High-Voltage Modules :
- (10÷110) V  /  (0÷10) mA     0.2 / 0.05 % FS
- (30÷500) V  /  (0÷10) mA     0.2 / 0.05 % FS
- (50÷1300) V  /  (0÷10) mA   0.2 / 0.05 % FS