5000 - PHANTOMs (Series 5000)
show product details hide product details MR 5370 - PMMA PHANTOM
» for verification of reconstruction method accuracy for sources (markers) positions in brachytherapy

Phantom is designed for QC verification of geometrical accuracy during treatment planning in the brachytherapy. It covers the whole chain of procedures as RTG-patient-film setup, establishment of the sources (markers) positions and reproducibility of the TPS calculation. Phantom size 150 x 150 x 150 mm.

size 2mm [-20, 0, 0] [-10, 0, 0] [ 10, 0, 0] [ 20, 0, 0] [30, 0, 0] [40, 0, 0] [-20,-15,-10] [-20,15,-10] [-20,-15,10] [-20,15,10] [40, 0,10]
size 3mm [ 0,-50, 0] [ 0,-20, 0] [ 0, 0, 0] [ 0, 20, 0] [ 0,50, 0] [ 50,-50, 0] [ 50, 50, 0] [-50, 0,-50] [-50, 0,50]
Origin of coordinates [ 0, 0, 0] matches with geometrical center of the phantom cube Accuracy of marker positions within ±0.1mm. There are alphabetical markers “A, P, R, L” For better identification of the RTG projections .

MR 5370T ... Transport & storing case for phantom MR 5370 (black or metal design)