3000 - DETECTORs - Diode Detectors (Series 3000)
3300 - Diode Detectors for In-Vivo
show product details hide product details MR 33** - DIODE DETECTORs for In-Vivo Measurement
DIODE DETECTORs for In-Vivo Measurement

Detectors with a semiconductor diode serve for safety verification measurement of dose delivered into human body during radiotherapy treatment (brachytherapy and/or teletherapy).
Detectors design differs depending on the place of application (cavities or surface of body) and on the type/energy of radiation used for treatment.
In-Vivo Diode Detectors should be used with the safety electrometers MR 1402 or MR 1403

Nominal sensitivity : 100 nC/Gy

MR 3301 ... In-Vivo Cavity Diode Detector for intracavitary use
MR 3303 ... In-Vivo Cavity Diode Multi-detector (5diodes) for intracavitary use
MR 3311 ... In-Vivo Surface Diode Detector for 60Co
MR 3321 ... In-Vivo Surface Diode Detector for X-rays 4-10 MV
MR 3331 ... In-Vivo Surface Diode Detector for X-rays 10-20 MV
MR 3341 ... In-Vivo Surface Diode Detector for electrons 4-20 MeV