1000 - INSTRUMENTs (Series 1000)
1200 - Electro/Dose Meters - Routine Class
show product details hide product details FEBRUARY 2018      MR 1202 - Dual-Channel Electrometer / Dosemeter
» for Current / Kerma / Dose Measurement in Dosimetry
Dual-Channel Electrometer / Dosemeter

for Measurement with Ionization Chambers

Family of MINIRAD ELECTROMETERs is designed as "Virtual Instruments" consisting of HW part with USB interface and SW Control Panels.

These sophistificated Electrometers are designed to assure compliance with the relevant performance characteristics as documented in IEC60731:2012 standard for FIELD-CLASS and SCANNING-CLASS DOSEMETERS.

Data auto-saving in format importable into Excel.

SW calibration procedures implemented.

                         Measurement ranges:         Accuracy / Resolution :
  Current :           ± (  10pA ÷ 1µA )               0.1 / 0.01 %  FS (FullScale)
   Charge :           ± ( 100pC ÷ 100µC )           0.1 / 0.01 %  FS
   Long term stability :    ± 0.25% FS
   Repeatability :            ± 0.1% FS
   Non-linearity :           ± 0.05% FS
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