1000 - INSTRUMENTs (Series 1000)
1200 - Electro/Dose Meters - Routine Class
show product details hide product details FEBRUARY 2018      MR 1202 - Dual-Channel Electrometer / Dosemeter
» for Current / Kerma / Dose Measurement in Dosimetry
Dual-Channel Electrometer / Dosemeter

for Measurement with Ionization Chambers

Family of MINIRAD ELECTROMETERs is designed as "Virtual Instruments" consisting of HW part with USB interface and SW Control Panels.

These sophistificated Electrometers are designed to assure compliance with the relevant performance characteristics as documented in IEC60731:2012 standard for FIELD-CLASS and SCANNING-CLASS DOSEMETERS.

Data auto-saving in format importable into Excel.

SW calibration procedures implemented.

                         Measurement ranges:         Accuracy / Resolution :
  Current :           ± (  10pA ÷ 1µA )               0.1 / 0.01 %  FS (FullScale)
   Charge :           ± ( 100pC ÷ 100µC )           0.1 / 0.01 %  FS
   Long term stability :    ± 0.25% FS
   Repeatability :            ± 0.1% FS
   Non-linearity :           ± 0.05% FS
Powered from USB
1600 - Baro/Thermo/Hygro Meters
show product details hide product details NEW      MR 1631 - PRESSURE smart PROBEs
for Pressure Measurement in Dosimetry
Family of BAROMETERs designed as Virtual Instruments consisting of HW smart Probe and SW Control Panels.
S. STANDARD CLASS smart Probes  ...  Accuracy  0.02 %
MR 1631 S.01.U-2    
  Probe for reference Pressure measurements
  input port design / capacitive sensor / USB / 2m
     Range: 60÷110 kPa  Acc.: 0.02 kPa (~0.02 %Kp)  Res.: 0.001 kPa

A. REFERENCE CLASS smart Probes  ...  Accuracy  0.1 %
MR 1631 A.01.U-2      
  Probe for precise Pressure measurements
  free in air design / bridge sensor / USB / 2m
     Range: 50÷110 kPa   Acc.: 0.1 kPa (~0.1 %Kp)   Resol.: 0.01 kPa
B. ROUTINE CLASS smart Probes  ...  Accuracy  0.5 %
MR 1631 B.01.U-2      
  Probe for routine Pressure measurements
  free in air design / bridge sensor / USB / 2m
     Range: 50÷110 kPa   Acc.: 0.5 kPa (~0.5 %Kp)   Resol.: 0.1 kPa
Can be delivered with a Certificate from the calibration laboratory with traceability to BIPM
Another cable lenght from range 1÷5m available on request
show product details hide product details NEW      MR 1632 - TEMPERATURE smart PROBEs
for Temperature Measurement in Dosimetry
in Air and/or Water as well in Check Source
Family of THERMOMETERs designed as Virtual Instruments consisting of HW smart Probe and SW Control Panels.
S. STANDARD CLASS smart Probes  ...  Accuracy  0.01 %
MR 1632 S.01R.U-2
  Probe for reference Temperature measurements in air
  free in air design / RTD sensor Pt-1000 / USB / 2m
     Range: 10÷40 °C   Acc.: 0.03 °C (~0.01 %Kt)   Resol.: 0.001 °C
MR 1632 S.11R.U-2
  Probe for reference Temperature measurements in water
  watertight design / RTD sensor Pt-1000 / USB / 2m
     Range: 10÷40 °C   Acc.: 0.03 °C (~0.01 %Kt)   Resol.: 0.001 °C
MR 1632 S.51R.U-2
   Probe for precise Temperature measurements in air
   Farmer IC  design / RTD sensor Pt-1000 / USB / 2m
     Range: 10÷40 °C   Acc.: 0.03 °C (~0.01 %Kt)   Resol.: 0.001 °C
    Sensor placed inside the Farmer-chamber shaped cover
    allows precise monitoring of temperature inside the real
    Farmer type ionization chamber during measurement.
    For measurement in water is necessary to use the Rubber
    Sleeve MR 2911 or PMMA Holder.
A. REFERENCE CLASS smart Probes  ...  Accuracy  0.1 %
MR 1632 A.01R.U-2
  Probe for precise Temperature measurements in air
  free in air design / RTD sensor Pt-1000 / USB / 2m
     Range: 10÷40 °C   Acc.: 0.3 °C (~0.1 %Kt)   Resol.: 0.01 °C
MR 1632 A.11R.U-2
  Probe for precise Temperature measurements in water
  watertight  design / RTD sensor Pt-1000 / USB / 2m
     Range: 10÷40 °C   Acc.: 0.3 °C (~0.1 %Kt)   Resol.: 0.01 °C
MR 1632 A.51R.U-2
  Probe for precise Temperature measurements in air
  Farmer IC  design / RTD sensor Pt-1000 / USB / 2m
     Range: 10÷40 °C   Acc.: 0.3 °C (~0.1 %Kt)   Resol.: 0.01 °C
    Sensor placed inside the Farmer-chamber shaped cover
    allows precise monitoring of temperature inside the real
    Farmer type ionization chamber during measurement.
    For measurement in water is necessary to use the Rubber
    sleeve MR 2911 or PMMA Holder.
B. ROUTINE CLASS smart Probes  ...  Accuracy  0.5 %
MR 1632 B.01.U-2
  Probe for routine Temperature measurements in air
  free in air design / RTD sensor Pt-1000 / USB / 2m
     Range: 10÷40 °C   Acc.: 1.5 °C (~0.5 %Kt)   Resol.: 0.1 °C
MR 1632 B.11.U-2
  Probe for routine Temperature measurements in water
  watertight  design / RTD sensor Pt-1000 / USB / 2m
     Range: 10÷40 °C   Acc.: 1.5 °C (~0.5 %Kt)   Resol.: 0.1 °C
Can be delivered with a Certificate from the calibration laboratory with traceability to BIPM
Another cable lenght from range 1÷5m available on request
show product details hide product details NEW  MR 1633 - HUMIDITY smart PROBEs
for Relative Humidity Measurement in Dosimetry
Family of HYGROMETERs designed as Virtual Instruments consisting of HW smart Probe and SW Control Panels.
A. REFERENCE CLASS smart Probes  ...  Accuracy  2 %
MR 1633 A.01.U-2
  Probe for precise Relative Humidity measurements in air
  free in air design / capacitive sensor / USB / 2m
     Range: 5÷95 %RH   Acc.: 2 %RH (~0.1 %Kh)   Resol.: 0.1 %RH
B. ROUTINE CLASS smart Probes  ...  Accuracy  5 %
MR 1633 B.01.U-2
  Probe for routine Relative Humidity measurements in air
  free in air design / capacitive sensor / USB / 2m
     Range: 10÷90 %RH   Acc.: 5 %RH (~0.5 %Kh)   Resol.: 1 %RH
Can be delivered with a Certificate from the calibration laboratory with traceability to BIPM
Another cable lenght from range 1÷5m available on request
show product details hide product details NEW    MR 1635 - PRESSURE TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY smart PROBEs
for Pressure / Temperature / Humidity Measurement in Dosimetry
Family of BARO- / THERMO- / HYGRO-METERs designed as Virtual Instruments consisting of HW smart Probe and SW Control Panels.
A. REFERENCE CLASS smart PTH-Probes  ...  Accuracy 0.1 %
MR 1635 A.01R.U-2
  Probe for precise Pressure / Temperature / Humidity meas.
  bridge P-sensor, Pt-1000 T-sensor, capacitive RH-sensor /
  free in air design / USB / 2m
                                Measurement range :      Accuracy  /  Resolution :
    PRESSURE:               50÷110 kPa    0.1 kPa (~0.1 %Kp)0.01 kPa
    TEMPERATURE:        10÷40 °C          0.3 °C (~0.1 %Kt) 0.01 °C
    RELAT.HUMIDITY:     5÷95 %RH   2 %RH (~0.1 %Kh) 0.1 %RH
MR 1635 A.11R.U-2
  Probe for precise Pressure / Temperature / Humidity meas.
  bridge P-sensor, Pt-1000 T-sensor, capacitive RH-sensor /
  watertight design / USB / 2m
                                Measurement range :      Accuracy  /  Resolution :
    PRESSURE:               50÷110 kPa    0.1 kPa (~0.1 %Kp)0.01 kPa
    TEMPERATURE:        10÷40 °C          0.3 °C (~0.1 %Kt) 0.01 °C
    RELAT.HUMIDITY:     5÷95 %RH   2 %RH (~0.1 %Kh) 0.1 %RH
MR 1635 A.51R.U-2
  Probe for precise Temperature measurements in air
  Farmer IC  design / RTD sensor Pt-1000 / USB / 2m
    Sensor placed inside the Farmer-chamber shaped cover
    allows precise monitoring of temperature inside the real
    Farmer type ionization chamber during measurement.
    For measurement in water is necessary to use the Rubber
    sleeve MR 2911 or PMMA Holder.
                                Measurement range :      Accuracy  /  Resolution :
    PRESSURE:               50÷110 kPa    0.1 kPa (~0.1 %Kp)0.01 kPa
    TEMPERATURE:        10÷40 °C          0.3 °C (~0.1 %Kt) 0.01 °C
    RELAT.HUMIDITY:     5÷95 %RH   2 %RH (~0.1 %Kh) 0.1 %RH
B. ROUTINE CLASS smart PTH-Probes  ...  Accuracy  0.5 %
MR 1635 B.01.U-2
  Probe for routine Pressure/Temperature/Humidity meas.
  bridge P-sensor, Pt-1000 T-sensor, capacitive RH-sensor /
  free in air design / USB / 2m
                               Measurement range :       Accuracy  /  Resolution :
    PRESSURE:                50÷110 kPa     0.5 kPa (~0.5 %Kp)0.1 kPa
    TEMPERATURE:         10÷40 °C           1.5 °C (~0.5 %Kt) 0.1 °C
    RELAT.HUMIDITY:    10÷90 %RH    5 %RH (~0.5 %Kh) 1 %RH
Can be delivered with a Certificate from the calibration laboratory with traceability to BIPM
Another cable lenght from range 1÷5m available on request
show product details hide product details MR LUFFT 2187 - PRESSURE mechanical METER (Aneroid)
PRESSURE mechanical METER (Aneroid)
   type 2187.70692 ... 870÷1050 hPa   (altitude 0÷1200m)
   type 2187.70792 ... 760÷950 hPa  (altitude 600÷2400m)
Resolution:  0.5 hPa
Accuracy:    1.5 %
1700 - Current/Charge Sources
show product details hide product details COMING SOON          MR 1710 - CURRENT SOURCEs
for Testing/Intercomparison/Calibration of Electrometers used in Dosimetry
Family of CURRENT SOURCEs designed as Virtual Instruments consisting of HW smart Probe and SW Control Panels.
S. STANDARD CLASS Current Source  ...  Accuracy 0.01%
MR 1710.'FR' S.01.U-2       
    ( 'FR'=FixRange )
   Current Source for Reference utilization
   triax BNC output connector / USB / 2m
   'FR'=200nA     Range: ±200nA   Resolution: 0.002nA
   'FR'=  20nA     Range:   ±20nA  Resolution: 0.0002nA
   'FR'=    2nA     Range:    ±2nA   Resolution: 0.00002nA
   'FR'=200pA     Range: ±200pA   Resolution: 0.002pA
A. REFERENCE CLASS Current Source  ...  Accuracy 0.1%
MR 1710.'FR' A.01.U-2     ( 'FR'=FixRange )
   Current Source for Precise utilization
   triax BNC output connector / USB / 2m
   'FR'=200nA     Range: ±200nA   Resolution: 0.02nA
   'FR'=  20nA     Range:   ±20nA  Resolution: 0.002nA
   'FR'=    2nA     Range:    ±2nA   Resolution: 0.0002nA
   'FR'=200pA     Range: ±200pA   Resolution: 0.02pA
B. ROUTINE CLASS Current Source  ...  Accuracy 0.5%
MR 1710.'FR' B.01.U-2     ( 'FR'=FixRange )
   Current Source for Routine utilization
   triax BNC output connector / USB / 2m
   'FR'=200nA     Range: ±200nA   Resolution: 0.2nA
   'FR'=  20nA     Range:   ±20nA  Resolution: 0.02nA
   'FR'=    2nA     Range:    ±2nA   Resolution: 0.002nA
   'FR'=200pA     Range: ±200pA   Resolution: 0.2pA
Can be delivered with a Certificate from the calibration laboratory with traceability to BIPM
Another cable lenght from range 1÷5m available on request
1900 - Accessory
show product details hide product details USB EXT - USB EXTENSION CABLE


1400 - Electro/Dose Meters - In-Vivo
show product details hide product details Available From FEBRUARY MR 1404 - Quad-Channel Electrometer / Dosemeter
» for In-Vivo Dose Measurement in Dosimetry
Quad-Channel Electrometer / Dosemeter

for Measurement with Diode Detectors

Family of MINIRAD ELECTROMETERs is designed as "Virtual Instruments" consisting of HW part with USB interface and SW Control Panels.

These sophistificated Electrometers are designed to assure compliance with the relevant performance characteristics as documented in IEC60731:2012 standard for FIELD-CLASS and SCANNING-CLASS DOSEMETERS.

Data auto-saving in format importable into Excel.

SW calibration procedures implemented.

                         Measurement ranges:         Accuracy / Resolution :
  Current :           ± (  10pA ÷ 1µA )               0.1 / 0.01 %  FS (FullScale)
   Charge :           ± ( 100pC ÷ 100µC )           0.1 / 0.01 %  FS
   Long term stability :    ± 0.1% FS
   Repeatability :            ± 0.02% FS
   Non-linearity :           ± 0.05% FS
Powered from USB  /  SW pro Windows 10  /  DD connectors Jack4